PowerPoint design

Like it or not, the slides you show to your audience say something about the person who created them. Most presenters aren’t – nor do they need to be – designers, but, by the same token, amateurish slides suggest a lack of overall professionalism. During PowerPoint-design training, participants learn a few quick tools they can use to create slides that raise the quality of their presentations, rather than detract from it.



Like many other firms, Vestas, and its finance department in particular, must be able to effectively communicate information both across the organisation and to external stakeholders. To help them improve how they do this, they turned to EPO for data-visualisation training. Since most employees (be it in the finance department or elsewhere in the firm) do not consider themselves to be designers, the training session was designed teach them simple methods for presenting data in an easily understood manner – without requiring them to put too much additional time into the task.